Welcome to English 11A/B Honors American Literature/Contemporary Composition. The syllabus for this class is posted in the box above. The dates are approximate and may change depending on events such as fire drills, assemblies, or guest speakers.
All major assignments are to be typed and saved on a flash or hard-drive. You must be able to reproduce your work in case your essay is lost or misplaced. All work is to be turned in at the beginning of the class in which it is due. Do not wait until the night before to begin printing out any major assignment. Unexcused late work will lose points on a daily basis until it is submitted, and cannot be turned in after a unit is completed. We will be taking notes daily, both in class and on outside assignments.
Student grades are based on achievement in the following categories: classwork, homework, participation, essays, exams, and individual/group projects.
Grading Scale
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
59 and below = F
Grades will be posted in Engrade. Students will receive their password by the second week of school.