Monday, January 28, 2013

This is my Letter to the World

All students: send me a copy of your presentation. Either email an attachment (PowerPoint) or share a link (Prezi, Google Docs) at

This is my Letter to the World

All students: send me a copy of your presentation. You can email it as an attachment (PowerPoint) or share the link with me (Prezi, Google Doc) at

Students who presented today: Write a reflection in light of your classmate's comments. What were the strengths of your project? What were the weaknesses? If you had it to do over, what would you change? Overall, how satisfied are you with your project?

Students who will present tomorrow: Emely, Gerardo, Juliana (desktop) and Joselyn will present in a Gallery Walk for full credit. Alan, Victor, Whitney, Ashley, Daniel, Alberto and William can present in a Gallery Walk for reduced credit or in front of the whole class for full credit. These people will write their reflection for homework tomorrow.