Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Virtual Selves

Follow the directions in the Contemporary Composition book on pg. 144 Reflecting on the Author's Questions and post your blog entry here. Entries should be between 250 and 500 words long and are due on Friday. Address either About My Online Selves or About the Online Community.


israel said...

2. About The Online Community

Well the nature of our social websites is pretty much a way to interact with people from your daily lives or family. It is just a way used to talk about how your day could have gone either good or bad, to your fellow peers. It has become a part of our daily lives. I personally use a social networking website just about every day, not necessarily for long periods of time. Either way I still use a social networking website, it is part of my nature now that I got so used to it.

We have full accountability of our actions in either real life or in cyberspace. Mostly because we are the ones who actually make that person in cyberspace. As for how we behave in real life we take complete accountability for what we do in our every day lives. Although it can be completely different in cyberspace because online you can make an avatar and partake in these virtual games, there you can have relationships with others online without even knowing or ever meeting them. So from that perspective our accountability might be questioned but we are still held responsible for what we do on our cyber lives.

It is hard to say exactly what kind a society we are creating. Maybe a diverse society because when one is at work or school or so forth we might not act like one would in an online game. Therefore when we act differently in an online game it might or might not affect us from the real world. In a game you can choose any gender, a girl can play as a guy and vise versa. They have their reasons for playing like that. The societies are very diverse especially in a multiplayer game online. You can be whoever you want.

Susie said...

I, in all honesty, do not really have any online personas or activities. I admit I did in the past but I never gave too much attention to my online persona. Any relationships I made on social networking sites were very innocent. Most of my friendships I had were either with people I actually talked to in person or friends I had made in real life but had no other form of communication with except online. The only relationship that was more than platonic was with my boyfriend, but of course I see him in real life.

Online I have no responsibility. Perhaps the only responsibility online is to check my email for any important mail. Even though on some emailing sites you can create an avatar and have a profile, I see it as strictly a way to communicate. Having a life mostly or only online doesn’t seem like something I’d want to have responsibility for because sometimes a computeror even the Internet may not be available.

On social networking sites I am simply me. Even if I wish I could change some traits about myself I find it too complicated to try and pretend to be someone else. If it were on a game where you HAVE to create an avatar then I might make it really colorful and outrageous looking because I love color and in a way that does represent me. Online I am myself and do not want to be portrayed as someone else because in the end I am still going to be Susie.

I do not have a virtual self so I cannot really say what the similarities between I and It are. The only thing I can relate are my Myspace and Facebook accounts but on those sites I am the same. If I did have an avatar I will probably try to make it tall and skinny like me, but as for everything else it really depends on the options I get from the site.

If I could use the same avatar for different sites I would because it would save a lot of wasted time customizing an avatar. However I do not have any different places where I have created one so I can’t really answer this question either.

Tania Dominguez said...

About the Online Community

The nature of our social websites is one of the ways we get to communicate with other people we know. Facebook is one of the ways we can do this, we get to talk to our friends and let them know what has been going on in school or just life. This is just something we’re used to having. It’s a way we get to interact with others if we don’t have time to do so because of our busy schedules.

For our actions in real life we take full accountability for what we do or don’t do. We can’t just do something and say it wasn’t us because other people know how we are and how we look like. Our actions in cyberspace are a little different though. Online we can be anybody we want to be if we create an avatar and nobody would know if it’s us or not. This makes it harder to know whether or not it was you who played a certain game or said a certain thing. Only the person who is the avatar would know.

We are creating a more advanced society. We are starting to use cyberspace to create someone we want to be and express our true emotions. A person might be scared to do so in real life so they go online and they can be a completely different person. We get to see the other sides of people, the side in which can’t be seen in the real world.

Laura M. said...

About The Online Community
Today, you can find everybody having a Facebook profile, a Twitter account, a Tumblr, etc. What are these sites really used for? The creators of these websites intended the use of these websites to be for social interactions. For some people, they are ways to create a new attribute, a new you. Sometimes this is done by doing things that shouldn't be done. Whatever we do in real life and whatever we do in cyberspace is completely accountable to ourselves and should not be blamed on any body else.

I understand people are dissatisfied with their everyday lives. Some need an escape and they do it through social networking. At times, this doesn't end well. People end up trying to create a totally different person. Their profile pictures look nothing like they do in real life. They write things online that they wouldn't normally say in person. They created a totally antithetical self. Our community is full of these people that are not confident enough to create a new person off the screen. People end up doing really stupid things online. I reminisce on a year where all you saw on Facebook were pictures of girls in their intimates. Yes, they tried to create a different person. Someone who was attractable. Someone that people would recognize and be intrigued by. Recently, I showed a picture to my mother. It was that of my childhood friend. There she was wearing really skin-tight shorts and exposing herself to the camera. My mother was flabbergasted when she found out it was little Marylin from my first grade class. She said, “What is this goddamn world coming too? Does every girl do that online? You better take your profile down. I don't want you doing any of this nonsense.” Marylin was very accountable for her actions. What she did was wrong. Everybody wants to be liked, but it doesn't have to be by doing that. She was a big sister. She was always pressured to do well and set the example. Perhaps she just wanted to escape that strict life she was living in. Yet, there was no excuse for putting trashy pictures of herself online. This just shows that we are responsible for everything we do online. The avatars we create, the status' we write, the pictures we send; we are all responsible for them even if they are in real life as well. No excuses.

Like my mom said, “What is this world coming to?” Online activities used to have an innocent side, but now on the screen we are creating bad examples for underage kids that see things like this and think it's okay for them to do the same just to attract some attention. Therefore, in my opinion, we are creating a corrupt society where everything is fake and no website can be trusted. That's just on the screen. Off the screen, is a whole different story. Off the screen, people try to act like their virtual selves getting them into more trouble. I'm not quite sure, but I'm sure my friend Marylin has tried to act the part of that picture off the screen. It may have gotten her attention she has not wanted to seek. Random guys will whistle at her because she tries to act the part and they've seen the picture. All in all, we are destroying the nice and peaceful communities we've had for several years just because we want to “escape” from reality.

K.O.T.K said...

Social sites today are just that… areas for socialization. However, at times they can get out of hand. People may use them as breeding grounds to become something or someone they are not. They could theoretically adopt an alternate personality due to the comfort of being behind the security of a computer screen. That is never good news, for someone could adopt a much more brash, hostile ego whilst on the web.

On the topic of online accountability, everything one says online, they should be held accountable for (especially since the person would not have the wit to say certain things in person anyway). There are limits to how much people can be held liable for, however. Perhaps the most controversial is that of “cyberbullying”. In my opinion, cyberbullying is a meaningless term. It is nothing more than dumb kids that don’t know any better. There is a reason social networking sites have adopted “block buttons” or “privacy settings” and whatnot. If a person wants to avoid said “cyberbullying” they can merely avoid befriending the person online or USE THE BLOCK BUTTON. Therefore, accountability is limited, both parties have to be rational.

By using social media, we, as a people, have created something truly unique. We have created a society where longtime friends can keep in touch in absence of other means of communication. We have created a virtual world where we can meet new people, friends of friends and whatnot. Also, if one is cautious, they can also meet friends across the state, country, or even globe. Befriending people has never been easier, and it is all happening through the power of social media.

-Saul Gomez

Magali said...

2. About the Online Community
Social sites are for "socializing" but just like Rudy said they could get out of hand. In most cases that I've seen they technically do. Their is facebook where you can post anything you want on there and your mutual friends can see everything you post. Like Laura said it has become more inappropriate and all you see on there is girls half naked and in my opinion that is definitely not okay! What are these girls showing the world by exposing themselves like that? Does that make them look pretty? No not at all that just makes everyone disrespect them.
On the screen you may show someone you won't technically show people in real life but you don't get nothing out of it if people do not know who you really are. Some actions teens tend to make is say things they won't in real life so they decide to post it online or sometimes teens use social networks to pretend to be someone they are not. My question why not be happy with who you are? What is so bad about you? Everyone is unique in their own way and it's not a crime to be different from others thats the whole point or else everyone will be boring if we were all the same. We are creating BAD societies because a lot of young adults mentalities have changed. Teens think it is important what other people think or say. Excuse my language but screw what other people say you are who you are and you should be happy to be you! Then again their is those people that use social networking for certain reasons such as communicating with old friends and family, meeting new people, and sometimes people use it for businesses.

Social networking isn't bad but WE are the ones that decide how to make use of it
-Magali Lagunas


2. About The Online Community

The nature of our social sites simply is to communicate with other people. It is mainly used to keep in touch with people and, or meet new people. Social sites are the more modern way to carry out a relationship with a “pen pal.” These sites can be used as a way to let your friends, family and even strangers all over the world about how great your day was or how bad it was, your problems, the new gossip, and the surprise ending to the show you have been following since the premiere. It can be used as a way to spread a “hip” word or phrase. If you post it enough someone is bound to use it within their friends or post it again. And a domino effect is started. These social sites are being constantly used, even just by the posting of this assignment.
In real life and in cyberspace we have the full accountability of what we do. What you say on cyberspace can help your reputation or even ruin it. The responsibility of it all is on YOU because you are the Creator in the cyber world. In real life we definitely have the full accountability of our actions. You are even more accountable for things in your real life than your cyber life. In real life you can’t hide behind a computer screen when you mess up. You have to face the consequences. You have to face the reality.
There are many ways to answer this question. I can’t say exactly what kind of society we are creating on screen or off but I know it is being created. I know for sure that the society we are creating on screen is one that is a big step forward for the evolution of humans. In creating the cyberspace we have made a way for people to live out multiple lives. Off screen the society we are creating is one that is less and less like how real life should be it is becoming more technological. There are good and bad changes being made in our society.

-Adrian Manuel

Kimberly C. said...

The nature of our social sites is a way for people to communicate to family or friends.We use sites like Twitter or Facebook to talk to our friends that don't go to our school, people we see on a daily basis or any family member that we usually get to see.I usually go online to talk to people I usually don't see so that we can catch up or talk about old times.

In real life we have accountability of what we do.The reason of this is because people who know you will know you did something and you won't be able to get yourself out of the situation.But in cyperspace it's a whole other story, people can pretend to be whoever they want and can get away with doing many things. For someone with an avatar their actions wouldn't be as accountable as in real life.

We are creating societies in which people no longer need to be face to face to be able to communicate with their friends.We are creating societies in which people can communicate with just about anyone.They go online and talk to people from different schools or even people who live in different states.It also gives people the chance to be different, in real life they may seem shy and timid but when they are online they can act bad and not care about anything.
-Kimberly Coguox

owensadriana said...

Nowadays pretty much everyone has gotten used to the fact that technology is becoming more of a necessity. Technology is becoming more advanced and is heavily relied on by teachers, students, or people in general. social networkig sites are intended to be a fun safe place for socializing with old friends,making new ones, or mere entertainment. in todays socitey social networking sites are becoming somewhat of a trend. evryone talks about it, everyone makes an account and eventually overtime someone else invents a "better" site and everyone moves to that site.

we the people are the ones who make the social networking site successful. without us it would be nothing, therefore we the poeple are held accountable for our actions wether it be online or in real life. the online community in general can influence people into becoming someone they said they never wanted to be or maybe even into someone they have ALWAYS wanted to be. Being behind a computer screen right away can bring a sense of security to a person. People are alot more confident online then anywhere else. There is this one girl in my class who i have had gotten the chance to be around since 9th grade. at school and in person she is extrememly quiet and shy. she wont speak to the teacher barely even the students. not to long ago we became friends on a social networking site ( facebook) and she is a completely different person online. nothing but profanity, exposed pictures and bizzare status updates. It;s shocking to believe the internet can really have that much power over you, you change your whole entire image. The sense of "security" these sites may bring can cause people to say and do things they normally would not not say in real life. which is where cyberbullying comes into play. another friend of mine has become completely obssesed with twitter,facebook and the new gossip. they are begining to choose the internet over their homework or studying for their next test. being on social networks can most definitely distract you, but its up to you to learn how to balance it all out. because we all are most definitely held responsible for our actions.

Todays society is all about advanced technology. we are constantly creating quicker and faster technology. trying to always have the best product and find new ways to make that product even more advanced. in all honesty i believe people today are relying so much on technology to get them everything they need, we will soon forget how to do things ourselves. its getting the best of us. -adriana.

Ashley said...

About The Online Community

I would say the nature of our social sites would be described as desperate. People are eager for "likes" on Facebook or "retweets" on Twitter because people want popularity, it gives them a good feeling to be known by a lot of people or to see that other people are able to relate. The accountability we have for our actions in real life and in cyberspace differs a lot. There would be different consequences if people would say the things they say on social networks in real life. People have more confidence to say what's on their mind on a social network because it is a screen, people would react but not take a certain action. But on the other hand, people must watch what they say on the internet because anybody and everybody can see it. The society we are creating on the screen is one of our real selves. People are able to express themselves more freely and better on the screen than in person. We can change our gender if we wanted to! We can be anonymous, we can be anything we want to be, and sometimes do whatever we want to do. The society we are creating off the screen doesn't seem so good. People rarely communicate in person anymore. Now people talk through IMs, e-mails, facebook messages, tweets, etc. Although technology is a great thing and has helped us in many ways, it has also done us harm. Some people rather sit infront of a computer instead of going out and being active.

Mikko Villaluna said...

In today's social media(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) people will post anything to get likes, or for their post to get retweeted. Millions of people starts relationships by meeting people through facebook, or any other social networks. For me I use Facebook, or twitter. It's a good way of keeping in touch with your old friends you haven't seen in a while. Although meeting people is pretty nice, but it is limited. I make sure the profile that friend requests me is real, I wouldn't want some creepy man or woman trying to hang out with me. The social network is conveniently used for many things, such as making new friends, keeping in touch with your friends, Asking your classmates or coworkers what the assignment is or what the boss wants us to do. The society we are creating both on and off the screen is that we shouldn't let the social network to get the best of us because the real world is outside.

Mikko Villaluna said...

In addition to my other comment the social websites is a good way to interact with people but it could be good or bad. A lot of people have been using the social network as what they call a "Date Rape". Some people for say on facebook puts way too much information on their accounts which is pretty dangerous because someone could get that information and try to locate you which has happened a lot of times. "Lindsey Cohan" was a 16 year old that goes on facebook a lot, on her bio it says what school she goes to and what area she lives in. On her status she put "Going to the mall(I don't recall which mall but she said it very specifically which one) then the suspect took that information and looked for her and afterwards she was missing no one has yet found her no one knows if she's dead or a live. Interacting with people on the media should have a limit. The limit should be if you know them then you can accept their friend request and talk to them if you prefer.

jose valcarcel said...

Social sites are the new and innovative way to interact with other avatars to simulate socializing. The nature of these sites are for the users to to interact and "converse" with others. You must approach these websites with great caution because many do get addicted or let the website gain control of their lives. I for one do have an account on some social sites and have learned to realize that i should spend just a sufficient amount of time to not get sucked in.

In the virtual world, like in the real world, you must be accountable for all your actions. The virtual world is not enough justification to feel your entitled to "cyber bully" without feeling any repercussions. There are many cases today in which adolescents commit suicide due to bullying on the internet. Bullying is bullying even on the computer.

The new age of technology is taking over, and pretty soon social sites won't be a second option to communicate but the first option. We're creating massive mmorpg groups and computer addicts who need their social site fix as soon as they can. Off the screen we are creating a population that is dependent on a computer to make "real world" friends.

owensadriana said...

Nowadays pretty much everyone has gotten used to the fact that technology is becoming more of a necessity. Technology is becoming more advanced and is heavily relied on by teachers, students, or people in general. Social networkig sites are intended to be a fun safe place for socializing with old friends,making new ones, or mere entertainment. In todays socitey social networking sites are becoming somewhat of a trend. everyone talks about it, everyone makes an account and eventually overtime someone else invents a "better" site and everyone moves to that site.

we the people are the ones who make the social networking site successful. Without us it would be nothing, therefore we the poeple are held accountable for our actions wether it be online or in real life. the online community in general can influence people into becoming someone they said they never wanted to be or maybe even into someone they have ALWAYS wanted to be. Being behind a computer screen right away can bring a sense of security to a person. People are alot more confident online then anywhere else. There is this one girl in my class who i have had gotten the chance to be around since 9th grade. At school and in person she is extrememly quiet and shy. She wont speak to the teacher barely even the students. Not to long ago we became friends on a social networking site ( facebook) and she is a completely different person online. Nothing but profanity, exposed pictures and bizzare status updates. It's shocking to believe the internet can really have that much power over you, you change your whole entire image. The sense of "security" these sites may bring can cause people to say and do things they normally would not not say in real life. Which is where cyberbullying comes into play. Another friend of mine has become completely obssesed with twitter,facebook and the new gossip. They are begining to choose the internet over their homework or studying for their next test. Being on social networks can most definitely distract you, but its up to you to learn how to balance it all out. Because we all are most definitely held responsible for our actions.

Todays society is all about advanced technology. we are constantly creating quicker and faster technology. Trying to always have the best product and find new ways to make that product even more advanced. In all honesty i believe people today are relying so much on technology to get them everything they need, we will soon forget how to do things ourselves. It's getting the best of us.

jose valcarcel said...

Giovanni Granados

The nature of our social sites is a way for people to express themselves, meet new people and pretty much do anything they want whether it be good or of bad nature. Social sites have really expanded over the last few years and have become a huge part of peoples' daily lives. I access a social networking website (Facebook) on a daily basis just to either see what my friends are up to or to talk to new people. Everyone has their own reasons for logging on to their favorite social networking site(s).

Every individual is fully held accountable for their actions whether it be in real life or in cyberspace. There is no excuse for heinous behavior in either, the consequences could still be the same such as, real life bullying and cyber bullying. Both are very serious offenses and will not be tolerated in real life and cyberspace. We as people choose what we do so we know that everything we do has consequences. So before we decide to do anything irrational we must think to ourselves, do i really want to go down this path? The way we are in real life is the way we should be on-line because it is still us behind that digital screen so why change.

The societies we are creating are very "diverse" as Israel said because for those people with avatars, they might not all have the same characteristics as their avatar so when they are out in the real world they behave differently. Some may behave more appropriate at work and careless on an on-line video game while others may behave careless in society but be a leader in a game. It all really just depends on that person. Everyone is different but we are all connected in one way, we make our own decisions.

Mikko Villaluna said...

Social networking has been popular since middle school. Back then it used to be a way to communicate with your friends for homework or even to ask what's up? Today cyberspace has turned into something different. Teenagers all over the world rely a lot on networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumbler. They use these online networks to find out about school rumors, other peoples problems, and even to insult others.

The society that teenagers have created on the screen has turned into an unsafe environment to others. For example, let's say this person puts up a rumor on the web and a lot of people see it. The next day that rumor that was started last night turns into a nightmare to the other person in real life. That person is then considered a cyber bully but some teens don't see it that way. They see it as drama (one person doesn't like the other so they talk bad about each other) which then leads to physical fights. Other teens are too scared to tell an adult of what is going on because they feel threatened by the person who is bullying them.

I believe that being bullied should be put to a stop, no one should be judged or insulted by the way they act or are. Everyone is different and not everyone is perfect, other people shouldn't be affected by what other people say and other people shouldn't say anything about other peoples lives because it really isn't their business.

Everyone should always remember that social networks is to keep in contact with others such as friends and far relatives. It shouldn't be a place were others feel unsafe and insecure but, that's to what all this has become and sadly it can't be changed.
- Kimberly Luna

Mikko Villaluna said...

ingrid barrera

The social sites are a big part of our communication skills. We use the social sites more then actually communicating faces to face with each other. Many people feel more comfortable to talk to someone online. Others want to make themselves different and change the way they are by having a virtual life. We use the social sites to create a different and better identity. The nature of this is to meet, create and find a way to interact with people.

In real life many cannot open up as much and be who they want to be. They use cyberspace to get away from their real lives. The problem with this id that people are not going to interact more in person and would live life in a world that is not real. It could be real to them and for that they will never be able to understand real life. Their virtual lives are controlling them cause they rather make someone up just to be themselves. If people can not communicate in real life how can they expect to actually be who they are if they are not letting their true selves to come out in the world.

We are creating a society that is of just using technology. Society is being taken over and we are letting ourselves to be controlled. Off of screen we interact less person to person and do not act ourselves. We communicate more on screen . We might interact more and know more people but what happens when we off ? We don’t see them. We real do not know who they really are. We do not get to see them in person and act them same if we do.


About The Online Community

The society we are creating on and off the screen differ. Off the screen we are creating a dull society where nobody expresses himself or herself. While on the screen there is a diverse, exiting community where there is no fear of self-expression. Self- expression I think should be saved for society off the screen and on the screen societies should be used mainly for communication purposes. If the society off the screen becomes lifeless, nobody would want to stay in that society and instead go straight to the online society.
The nature of our social sites is for communication and recently it has become a safe haven for those who are afraid of self-expression in the real world. Social networking sites like Facebook are used for both communication and to express what someone is thinking or feeling by updating their “status.” Communication, I think, is the main reason why people use these social networking sites. I think self- expression is a secondary think to do. Of course there are people who make self-expression their main use of these sites.
Our accountability for our actions in real life and in cyberspace should all be treated the same. Our actions in cyberspace can sometimes have a direct correlation to the real world and vice versa. You can bully someone in the real world and you can also bully someone online, this is called “cyber bullying.” Both types of bullying should have the same consequences because you are hurting someone either way.

- David Martinez

Brandon U. said...

Today social media has become a huge part in everyones lives. Twitter, Facebook and other companies, try to "unify" the world via the web. I recently say an NBC documentary called "The Facebook Addiction" it explains the rise of social media and the pros and cons of it.
Facebook, has been seen as the biggest website for social media. The good things about all the websites is that you can socialize with your friends over long distances in a flash! There are plenty of ways to communicate with others such as IM, Email, "wall posts", or just a simple text.
Some people when on a page, add random people in order to compete with friends an gain more likes and comments. This is a very bad idea to me. If one does this, people you don't even know can see all your activity and pictures you have uploaded. Personally I do not like to upload many pictures or add random people. I like to keep it between my REAL friends.
-Brandon U.

Paola Giron said...

The Online Community

In this generation, our social sites are based more on getting popularity than to communicate with your peers. Teens are using a site called “Facebook”. In this site they upload picture and post statuses. But some of them are overwhelmed with how popular they want to be over the web they post up exposing pictures. Of course they will get many “likes” but it will also make them loose self-respect. There is also another site called “Twitter”. On this site, you just write anything you desire. From what you’re eating, to what you’re thinking. Basically ANYTHING. If people feel the same way you do, they simply hit the “re-tweet” button. Again, in this site some people feel the urge of gaining popularity that the amount of followers they have, upsets them.
The society we are creating on and off the screen is not anything anyone is pleased with. This is ruining the people of today. They are thirsty for all this cyber fame that can make some go crazy and be online for hours, lurking for more of this fame. This is not the world that we are supposed to be living in. this is the wrong way of making yourself feel better. I use twitter a lot, so seeing all these people asking for follow back every second, makes me think they really have no outside life. Society is teaching us that sitting on a chair, in front of the computer screen is better than to be outside enjoying the crazy weather of LA.

Mikko Villaluna said...

About the Online Community:

Society has changed so much through out time. We all used to be way more active than we are now and ever since the Internet was created it seems that that is what we all depend on. Sites like Google or Yahoo answer our every needs, and sites like Myspace and Facebook allowed us the opportunity to tell others who we are and what we like. These social sites are also used to be able to communicate with others who we don’t get the chance to talk to every day because they are somewhere far away. And sites like Tumblr and Twitter give us the opportunity to express our thoughts and our style with words or pictures. That’s what I personally use Facebook for. I use it to be able to communicate with my best friend who moved to Mexico 2 years ago. If I was absent I a class I am also able to ask my classmates what the assignment was if we had any homework. Twitter people, and myself, express what they are thinking at the moment or be updated with news and info of who we follow. Although I enjoy being on these social networking sites it is not something I have to be constantly on.

Although people created social sites with the intention of the user creating a profile describing who they are and what they look like, not everyone signs up and does just that. Our actions in cyberspace can be completely different than the actions in real life. Someone can lash out to others and call them names in cyberspace because it is easier being behind the screen and not face to face. Words and thoughts can change as well as features of what we look like. When creating a profile most people want to seem appealing so they get more attention from people which is why they could take provocative pictures because they know what people like. In reality that is not how they probably look like especially with all these editing programs for pictures now. They still know that in real life that is not who they are and that they have to take responsibility for their actions, we all do.

The societies we seem to be creating seem to be made up of lying and dishonesty. Like I have said before a person can look so innocent on the outside, yet appear more of the opposite on cyberspace. Both on and offline, we are creating a very different society than it was before. Think about it. Back then it was considered a heinous act for women to show their ankles, and now it’s considered “sexy” and “hot” when they have less and less clothes on and more skin exposed. I guess we are altering and changing our communities just to get away from whom we really are.

-Valeria Franco-Licona- (:

Joel fuentes said...

In todays society social sites exist to talk with people and to keep in touch with people that live far away. People can tell the aunts and uncles, that live in different countries, how there day went. These social networks have slowly integrated themselves into our every day lives. people now use them to talk with friends that live right across the street from on another. Why? Its because its just so easy and it feels so natural to us.

Most people feel like they have no reason to take responsibility for there actions in cyberspace, but thats not true. People are accountable for there actions in real life and online, for were ever you are you can still affect other people we must not forget that.

The kind of society that we are making is a big, complex, intricate, and a interconnected one. It will be a society were technology and social networks will play a big part of every day lives. In this society any one can become whatever they aspire with just some hard work. The sky will be limit in the society that is emerging from our computer screens, but just like windows it will have some bugs which we will have to deal with in the next version.-Joel Fuentes

Perla said...

The nature of our social websites is to interact with new people and keeping communication with the ones we don't see very often. It's a new way of communication and mostly everyone uses at least once a day. Like for example I usually go one at least once a day just t see what’s going on with everyone. Also you can keep in contact with family members that don’t live near you

We have the full accountability for our actions in real life and cyberspace. The reason is because even though we are pretending to be someone else in cyberspace we are still responsible because we are the ones doing the actions. No one makes us to anything and shouldn’t be blames on anyone else for our actions.

The kind of society we are creating is pretty much good and bad. The way it is good is by having many other different ways of communication like Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. But some people use it in a bad way like talking bad about other people just cause they aren’t able to do it in real life. Some girls like other people said post inappropriate pictures of themselves which pretty much makes us teenagers look bad at times. It all really depends how you use it either in a good way or in a bad way.


As technology progresses the world is introduced to many new social sites. People spend hours each day stuck in a computer then they are surprised at the amount of time they wasted. Social sites are the most time consuming sites in the web because people who own phones laptops or computers spend a tremendous amount of time using those sites. I see this happening every day everywhere. I personally experience it myself when I log into my social site, which is “Facebook”. I notice how people every few seconds are updating their statuses. We are all victims of being controlled by social sites. When someone is stuck on their computer to chat with others they isolate themselves being away from others and alone but yet not alone because they are communicating through their social sites.
When someone commits a crime or does a bad decision in real life they will always be found and charged as guilty. The only advantage for people who decide doing bad things through cyberspace is that they could change or hide their identity. People are aware of this that’s why they should be responsible for their own actions and knowing who they are communicating with and they should be making sure that the person they are talking to, really is who they say they are.
Being stuck on a computer updating your status every minute decreases your privilege to go out and enjoy the world. As time passes by we are unconnecting ourselves from the real world and entering a life of isolation in front of a screen. Our society is becoming more and more addicted to social sites.